hey there!

I’m reanna

The founder of In2Grative Therapy, PLLC- Reanna Irigoyen- has worked in the mental health field as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Master Social Worker, and Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist for several years. Prior to that, she was in the medical field in multiple capacities, served for a short time in the Military, and always had a desire to return to her medical field roots.

While experiencing her own plethora of physical and emotional hardships, it tail spun her into an adrenal fatigue crash of sorts that stemmed from Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism, Fibromyalgia, and hormone imbalances. Due to this, Reanna spent several years and over $60,000 out of pocket trying to figure out the root cause and she refused to settle for a “bandaid” or “this is what it is, live with it.” 

Perseverance will get you there but motivation will get you farther.” 
Reanna Irigoyen In2Grative Therapy PLLC Founder/Owner

As of January 2022, Reanna had figured out answers (over 400 hours of research), delving into nutrition, functional medicine, Ayurveda, holistic healing, and leaning on her faith… she no longer met diagnoses criteria for ANY autoimmune disorders. With one final plea, during this same month, Reanna did find a couple of Functional Medical Doctors, who did provide another important piece of the puzzle. This was the final piece of information that Reanna needed to re-address her focus and led to a moderate pivot. 

Through this healing period, Reanna finally felt a sense of self again which led her to re-visiting her desire to delve back into the medical field. Originally she put these on hold due to the “I have to be able to find the tools that work before helping someone else navigate the waters.” Now that the vision was back in action, Reanna dove head first into multiple trainings and modalities while ensuring what she was doing was certified and governed by a board. “I wanted quality because my clients also deserve quality, especially when not all states require someone to be certified in the nutrition field!” 

You may be asking yourself, why will this be different from all of the other people out there THAT is the BEST question to ask. The answer is; Reanna and her team are licensed and certified within their specialties to maintain ethical compliance, as well as continuing to complete multiple other certifications to be “overly covered.” We don’t have all of the answers but our goal is to look underneath all of the rocks to find the root.  Reanna knows how it felt to go from one doctor to the next for several years, just to be told that there was nothing “wrong” or nothing that could be done. She continues to be a work in progress because the truth is, there is no simple fix if you are wanting a sustainable lifestyle! “The hard work has to be put into it, but staying stuck is hard and so is changing… choose your hard.” 

If any of this resonates with you, reach out to our team, and let’s see how we can best support you in your next chapter!

Ways we can help

How can we help you? Check out the resources below!